Applied Behaviour Analysis
Offered in Durham and Windsor-Essex
At SPARK, ABA Services help children with autism and other developmental disabilities build skills in a broad range of areas.
SPARK offers assessment, direct treatment, consultation, and parent-training to best meet the needs of each child and their family.
What is ABA?
ABA services are evidence-based services based on the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).
While the science of ABA informs behavioural needs in a wide variety of areas, it is best known as a leading evidence-based approach for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
The goals of ABA are to help children increase positive behaviours and decrease behaviours that contribute to challenges in the life of the child and their family.
ABA services include assessment, direct treatment, consultation, and parent-training to best meet the needs of
each child and their family.
Values & Ethical Considerations
Any type of therapist plays an important role in their clients’ lives. It is imperative that ABA service providers share SPARK’s organizational values, and maintain high ethical standards to ensure that therapy is a meaningful, impactful, and positive experience for children and their families. At SPARK, it is believed that ABA services should:
build beneficial skills that are important to the child and their family
work to replace harmful behaviours with positive ones that meet the needs of the child
help children better advocate for themselves
promote the acceptance of natural traits and behaviors
encourage bodily autonomy and reasonable noncompliance
assist children in learning healthy ways to calm and regulate themselves, including engaging in safe and healthy stimming behaviors
be play-based and enjoyable
involve caring and meaningful relationships between each therapist and child
focus on natural reinforcement, wherever possible
celebrate the strengths and interests of each child
not involve the use of aversives to modify undesirable behaviours

What is a Behaviour
Analyst (BA)?
BAs are professionals with graduate level education and registered with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario.
To mee their College requirements, BAs must achieve specific educational requirements, complete significant supervised experience, and adhere to College standards and ethics.
BAs conduct assessments, supervise direct treatment, and deliver consultation services for children and their families.
BAs’ work is guided by Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). While the science of ABA informs behavioural needs in a wide variety of areas, it is best known as a leading evidence-based approach for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
What is a Supervised Instructor Therapist (SIT)?
Supervised Instructor Therapists have training and experience in Applied Behaviour Analysis.
While being overseen by a BA, Supervised Instructor Therapists are responsible for providing direct intervention, implementing programs, and collecting data.
Supervised Instructor Therapists engage in ongoing collaboration with the clinical team.
Supervised InstructorTherapists maintain a high standard of professionalism, ethics, and client confidentiality.

About SPARK's ABA Services
ABA services rely on individualized assessment to guide treatment that is tailored to each child. A variety of assessment methods are utilized in order to inform the creation of an individualized treatment plan, including standardized assessments, direct observation, and the collection of information from the child’s family members.
Direct Treatment
Based on the assessment, a plan for treatment is developed in accordance with the child and family’s goals. Service providers work directly with the client to deliver programming, and build positive rapport with the client so that the therapeutic relationship is one that feels meaningful, safe, and enjoyable. In cases in which Supervised Instructor Therapists are delivering treatment, they do so with close supervision and active involvement of the BA.
Services can be ‘focused’ on one or two goals area, to allow the areas of greatest important to the child and family to be addressed at a time. This can complement the client’s participation in other activities including therapies, school, and recreation.
Alternatively, services may be ‘comprehensive’ and address several developmental domains simultaneously. Generally, the more goals being addressed at once, the higher the intensity of services. For example, intensive behavioural intervention (also known as IBI) generally involves 20+ hours a week of direct treatment.
Consultation and Parent Training
Consultation and parent-training services involve providing education, training, and strategies to caregivers to meet the behavioural goals of the client. While consultation is typically done with parent(s)/guardian(s), it can also involve other caregivers or professionals who are involved in the care of the client. As parents and caregivers work directly with the client, with the guidance and expertise of SPARK’s service providers, consultation can be a cost-effective way to meet goals, while simultaneously building caregiver capacity.
About SPARK's ABA Service Providers
SPARK Behaviour Analysts have Masters Degrees, and are members in good standing of the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario. SPARK Supervised Instructor Therapists are skilled service providers with a diploma/degree in a relevant discipline, and have completed educational/training programs in Autism and Behavioural Sciences. To get connected with the SPARK ABA team, contact us!
At SPARK, our Behaviour Analysts and Supervised Instructor Therapists are passionate about working with the pediatric population (ages 0 to 18), and are skilled and experienced in the following areas:

Academics/School Readiness
Areas that contribute to cognitive and educational success, including:
Classroom readiness skills
Pre-academic skills (e.g. matching, sorting, puzzles)
Reading (e.g. alphabet, pre-reading skills, reading skills)
Math (e.g. numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, less/more/equal)
Writing (e.g. colouring, drawing, copying, writing skills)
Activities of Daily Living
Areas that enable the individual to manage their own basic physical needs, including:
Feeding and mealtime related skills (e.g. eating and preparing food)
Hygiene skills (e.g. bathing, grooming, washing hands)
Dressing (i.e. dressing and undressing independently)
Toileting (i.e. using the toilet and maintaining bathroom routines)
Areas that allow the child to effectively exchange information with others, including:
Expressive communication skills (e.g. asking for help, requesting, labelling, greeting and responding to greetings, language expansion, conversational skills, syntax and grammar)
Receptive language skills (e.g. understanding language, following directions)
Social communication/pragmatics (e.g. using language for different purposes, adapting language based on situational factors, learning “rules” of communication, which vary based on social/cultural factors)

Behaviour Management
Reduction of dangerous behaviours (e.g. self-injury, aggression, elopement, property destruction) through:
Analysis of the function of the behaviour
Development of a treatment plan to reduce the child’s motivation for the problem behaviour
Establishment of a more appropriate behaviour to meet the child’s needs

Self-Regulation and Emotional Learning
Areas that allow the child to gain independence and maintain control of their thoughts, feelings and actions, including:
recognizing feelings, emotions, and states of alertness
managing emotions, impulses, and sensory needs
learning to accept feelings and respond appropriately to them
improving the ability to solve conflicts and problems
expanding the use of strategies to self-regulate
gaining mindfulness and the ability to be engaged in the moment
developing self-advocacy skills (i.e. building self-awareness, understanding personal needs, and communicating those needs to others)
Social Skills
Areas that help with positive interactions with peers and adults, including:
initiating conversations
responding to others
playing with and engaging in activities with others
taking turns and sharing
understanding interpersonal skills and social boundaries, based on the nature of a relationship

How to Access ABA Services with SPARK
To discuss how ABA services may benefit your child, or if you'd like to get set up with services, please contact us today!